Monday, November 22, 2010

W3C Mobile Web Best Practices and HAT-Based Mobile – Part 9

A recommendation regarding style sheet efficiency…

44. [STYLE SHEETS SIZE] – Keep style sheets small.

The desktops and laptops for which we create online content have so much power that we often code inefficiently because we can get away with it, and it’s less work than coding efficiently. But mobile devices lack the power and resources of desktops and laptops, so they force us toward more optimized control files.

One of the most important of those files is the CSS, and one issue is whether our target mobile devices support CSS caching… After a device has retrieved the CSS for a topic, will it store that CSS to use for the next topic or does it have to retrieve the CSS again for the next topic? If so, we want to keep the CSS small to use minimal device resources. If the device does not support caching, it may have to retrieve the CSS for each topic. If so, we still want the CSS small to reduce network traffic for the repeated downloads of the CSS for each topic.

The W3C notes several ways to keep CSSs small but the simplest is to “…optimize style information so that only styles that are used are included.” How does this apply to help?

When our help authoring tools create style sheets, they include a default set of styles, like heads 1 - 6. The problem is that we often accept that set of default styles, even though we never use some of them in our topics. Those unused styles simply make our CSSs larger to no purpose. The solution is to remove the unused styles from the CSS. How?

We can easily remove unused styles through the authoring tool interface. But how do we know if those styles are really unused? Even if we keep careful records of style usage, it’s difficult to be sure - especially when dealing with legacy projects or large projects that we’re not totally familiar with.

A better idea is to search for the style codes in the topic code. Use the authoring tool’s multi-file search feature to look for the questionable codes within all the topics in the project. If the search doesn’t find any hits, then delete the style code from the CSS. This is a sure-fire approach technically, but it can be slow and tedious to work your way through a large and complex CSS or one that you have not checked for a while.

So the best solution here isn’t technical but managerial. Create a standard CSS for all authors to use, do one search pass through your legacy topics to clean up the style codes they contain, and prohibit ad hoc modification of the CSS after that. It’s one more argument in favor of standards.

More to come…

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